General Services.


Bee Hive & Swarm Removal.

Ethical removal of bee swarms from public or private properties. Non-chemical or pesticide process therefore achieving a low harm removal service. Fees and charges may apply depending on location and specific situation. Swarms are captured and pest inspected. For established feral swarms or hives, honey and wax removal will be removed as practicably as possible in most situations to prevent robbing or re-establishment of swarms.

Mandatory Inspections.

Prescribed Biosecurity and regulatory inspections will be offered to assist all customers regardless of their hive or apiary size to ensure compliance is achieved.

Maintaining compliance is a requirement although exceeding best practice initiatives are promoted in supporting bee and honey industry success in identifying and treating pests and diseases at the source as soon as practicably possible to prevent spreading into and across other apiary sites or private hives.

5 Frame Nucleus Hive with Queen supply.

Hive establishment services include a 5-frame nucleus of bees with a mated queen. When surplus nucleus’ (Nucs) are available, they will be advertised for sale.

After Sales Service
& Support.

Supporting all beekeepers, hobbyists, industrial and corporate customers with research, maintenance, data collection and environmental services.

Periodic or situational hive testing and data collection services are offered to all customers. Customers may decide to conduct an environmental assessment of their local environment. These are fee for service programs and can be negotiated into initial hive establishment programs and packages. Given the sensitivity of data samples, specific procedures guiding the collection process is mandatory in receiving representative results.

Residential Hive Installation & Mentoring.

Installation of complete hives into urban and rural homes under a payment plan that includes all hive start-up needs, hands on training and a minimum of 8 assisted hive inspections over a two-year period. Hives are fully transferred to the customer on maturity of the payment plan and practical training during hive inspections over a preferred two-year program period. All plans are negotiable with payment options, service agreements and more.

Corporate Hive Installation & Servicing.

Establishing corporate and urban hives under a fee for service program. Corporate fees will include permanent long-term supply and service agreements where all live data hive establishments and maintenance services are provided by Data Hive Bees. Urban residential customers will have access to payment plans arrangements or direct purchase options. Onsite training programs will run over a two-year term while the hive and associated costs will be recovered. Full live hive data systems and reporting is not standard in the residential packages although these can be negotiated with costs into any agreement as requested.

Please Contact - Data Hive to discuss a specific project, location, or opportunity where synergies and services may be explored further.